An awareness program on “Improving the quality of Hospitality Service” organized by the Ministry in collaboration with the Central Province Department of Trade, Commerce and Tourism was successfully held at the Heeloya Tourism Village in Theldeniya from 24th to 25th of August, 2019 . Around 30 participants enrolled in “Heeloya Sancharaka Sumithuro” community organization were given theoretical and practical knowledge on improving service quality, adding value to the service provided and incorporating traditional food in tourism promotion, by the resource persons from Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management (SLITHM) and Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA).Successful participants were awarded with a certificate at the end of the program. The effort was appreciated for providing valuable knowledge and for giving opportunity to discuss prevailing issues pertaining to community tourism, with officials.

Heeloya Tourism Village is the first Home Stay community tourism village in Sri Lanka established under government provisions back in 2016. Around 2000 local and foreign tourists visit this village annually. Ministry of Tourism has allocated 10 million rupees to assist 7 such Home Stay community tourism villages over the country aiming to bring economic benefits of tourism industry to rural communities.

This program was conducted by government officials who took part in the Young Leaders’ Community Tourism Promotion Course offered by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) held during last February and March in Japan.

During a traditional food preparation demonstration by Thilina 1

During a traditional food preparation demonstration by Mr. H.M.T Herath- Assistant Lecturer, SLITHM









 During the session Adding value to service provided by Asela 1

During the session “Adding value to service provided” by Mr. D.A. Mendis- Assistant Director, SLTDA









 Session on Essentials for service quality improvement by Rasika 1

Session on “Essentials for service quality improvement” by Mr. Rasika Jayasighe- Assistant Lecturer, SLITHM


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Mega Travel Influencer ‘Nas Daily’ join-hands to promote Tourism in Sri Lanka

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Sri Lanka celebrates its milestone surpassing 100,000 Russian arrivals through direct flights

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