The US-made Moderna vaccine, which was recently brought to Sri Lanka, will be administered to those engaged in tourism in Sigiriya area.

Minister of Sports, Hon. Namal Rajapaksa and Minister of Tourism, Hon. Prasanna Ranatunga inspected the vaccination drive Yesterday (18)  and  nearly 2,000 2000 persons engaged in tourism in Sigiriya  and Dambulla area will be vaccinated.The modern vaccine was one of the first vaccines produced to prevent deaths and other serious illnesses caused by Corona virus.

Preliminary researches have shown that the vaccine has a high efficiency of 94% against Covid virus and it is also effective for some new variants of the Covid virus. This vaccine is manufactured in a Spanish factory by the Moderna Incorporation in the United States of America and this stock of vaccines was supplied to Sri Lanka on a COVAX basis by the World Health Organization.

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News - Tourism

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