• Introduction

Ministry of Tourism was established under the Gazette Extraordinary No. 2187/27, dated 09th August 2020, as   amended by the Gazette Extraordinary No. 2196/27, dated 06th October, 2020.   Strengthening the tourism industry as a high foreign exchange, income, employment and livelihood generating sector and thereby making Sri Lanka an attractive tourist destination highlighting Sri Lankan culture, biodiversity, eco friendliness and the friendly identity of the people are among the main objectives of the establishment of a dedicated Ministry in charge of the subject of tourism.


1.2. Vision, Mission

1.2.1. Vision

To be recognized as the world’s finest island for memorable, authentic and diverse experiences.

1.2.2. Mission

To be a high- value destination offering extraordinary experiences that reflect Sri Lanka’s natural and cultural heritage are socially inclusive and environmentally responsible and provide economic benefits to Communities and the country, while sustaining the flora & fauna 

1.3. Key Functions

  • Formulating, implementing, monitoring and evaluating policies, programmes and projects, related to subjects and functions under the purview of the Ministry.
  • Providing policy guidance to relevant State Ministry, and formulating policies in relation to the subject of Tourism, in conformity with the prescribed Laws, Acts and Ordinances.
  • Implementation of projects under the national budget, state Investment and National Development Programme.
  • State Corporations and Statutory Institutions for the creation of "an environmental and local culture friendly, high foreign exchange earning tourism industry” based on the national policies implemented by the government, and in accordance with the policy statement "Vistas of Prosperity and Splendor".

1.3.1. Special Priorities

  1. Formulating a programme for the development of the industry as an environment and local cultural friendly tourism with the broad participation of people.
  2. Formulation of a special mechanism for the safety of the tourists.
  3. Identifying new attractive destinations for the local/foreign tourist.
  4. Provision of facilities for the conduct of business seminars, functions, exhibitions and seminars in order to attract tourists.
  5. Providing investments and other facilities to the private sector for the development of tourism industry.
  6. Establishing tourist service centers at road junctions connecting the main tourist cities.
  7. Regulating the tourist facilities approval process through establishment of regional offices.
  8. Establishing tourism training schools in main tourist cities and introduction of attractive skill development courses
  9. Development of homestead and community-based tourism industry
  10. Initiating actions for the registration, training and certification of identity of all tourist guides and drivers
  11. Introduction of a special programme for creation of tourism industry related entrepreneurs.
  12. Provision of facilities for tourists by adoption of information technology
  13. Adoption of a methodology through one coordinating center under the One Stop concept
  14. Establishment of high standard tourism hotels, and doubling the number of hotel rooms currently available
  15. Introducing a methodology in imparting accurate knowledge and information to the tourist guides for the dissemination of correct information relating to national heritages and archeological sites among the tourists.

1.4. Organization Chart

 Org chart


1.5.  Institutions coming under the Ministry

  1. Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority
  2. Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau
  3. Sri Lanka Convention Bureau
  4. Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management
  5. Department of Botanical Gardens


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