Tourism Minister Prasanna Ranatunga says that with the resumption of the tourism industry, special places will be introduced for local artists and sculptors to sell their creations to tourists. He points out that this program is being implemented in tourist areas such as Kandy, Sigiriya, Colombo, Anuradhapura, Hambantota, Matara and Galle.
He was speaking at an exhibition of paintings and sculptures at the Bogambara Prison in Kandy on the 27th. After Gotabhaya Rajapaksa became President, this exhibition of paintings and sculptures was organized by a group of young people who painted the walls of Kandy and its environs. Minister Prasanna Ranatunga visited the exhibition at the special request of Central Province Governor Lalith U. Gamage.
They requested the Minister of Tourism, Prasanna Ranatunga, who visited their art and sculpture exhibition, to set aside a specific place in the tourist areas for the sale of his paintings and sculptures. The Minister assured that the government would take steps to address this issue.
Minister Prasanna Ranatunga said that Gotabhaya Rajapaksa's vision for the prosperity of the country was to include a program in the region to hold exhibitions of traditional and modern dancers and to sell the works of artists and sculptors. Accordingly, this program will be implemented in the future, the Minister said